The following resources are tagged with the keyword stakeholder engagement:

Energy and Sustainability in Society

Resource Description

Experiential learning, yes! at a distance? independent undergraduate research? This capstone course in Energy and Sustainability Policy is a novel approach to exactly this. Each student follows the same overarching structure: a four-part written research report, weekly journals, group discussions, a LinkedIn presence, an in-person presentation and a video submission. Along the way, the student has numerous personal interactions with real world stakeholders and gives an in-person presentation to an interested local audience. Proven over many semesters now, this engaged scholarship model serves senior students well, guiding and building confidence and professional opportunities.

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Geodesign History, Theory, Principles

man pointing to a computer monitor. Three people sitting at a table looking at him.

Photo credit:  Filip Linders, MSF/Doctors Without Borders/Swedish Innovation Unit (used with permission)

Resource Description

Do you believe that we can be more creative in planning our communities and protecting environments for a sustainable future? Would you like to learn a method to make a difference? One that empowers stakeholders and reduces conflict? Geodesign delivers creative solutions for environmental, economic, and social issues. This method works collaboratively across disciplines, deploying innovative technology to dynamically illustrate the impacts of alternative design scenarios. Geodesign is rooted in the physical design professions coupled with social and geographic sciences and enhanced by the latest technologies. GEODZ 511 introduces students to the multifaceted, well-proven geodesign framework grounded in a series of key decision-making steps. It emphasizes understanding both people and place through a unique collaborative method. Students learn how to work through the steps of the geodesign framework and begin to understand the process needed to make wise choices for today’s urban and rural design and planning challenges. 

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Sustainability Driven Innovation

Photograph of an illuminated lightbulb held within a person's palms

Credit: Light Hands Bulb Bright 911919 by Ruben Rubio licensed under CC0

Resource Description

Are you prepared to find strategic opportunities for sustainability-driven innovation within your business or organization? This engaging course will prepare you to do just that. BA 850 will give you the tools and practical experience needed to discern consumer and organizational needs related to sustainability, to create unique offerings to meet sustainability needs, and to develop innovative processes necessary to test and refine sustainable solutions.

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