We believe in open educational opportunities for all people, everywhere.

What is ROAM?

Launched in 2007 by the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and formerly known as OPEN.ED, Penn State's OER initiative enables departments and individual faculty to provide educational resources free of charge under a Creative Commons license. As long as they adhere to the license, teachers and learners around the world are free to download, remix, translate, localize, and adapt these materials for their own purposes.  For full details, please see our official policies governing the ROAM site.

Who created the content?

Penn State faculty members (many from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences in particular) participate in creating these materials. Anyone at Penn State is also free to contribute using the Creative Commons license. If you are interested in contributing materials to this site, please contact us at roam@psu.edu.

Who maintains ROAM?

Penn State's OER effort was originally developed by the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute and is now maintained by Penn State University Libraries. We work in close partnership with academic units to design, develop, and manage high-quality online resources and programs that utilize the latest research in education and technology.

How is ROAM content licensed?

Materials on this site are freely available for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license. You are free to download, remix, translate, localize, and adapt these materials for your purposes, as long as you adhere to the terms of the license. See our Terms of Use for details about how to cite our material.

How do I get started?

Go to Resources to browse our catalog or begin your search. A search will look through course descriptions, authors and keywords.

What if I have a question?

If you have questions, please contact us. If you'd prefer to contact us via email, our address is roam@psu.edu.

How can I help?

If you're interested in giving back to ROAM or participating in Penn State's OER efforts, check out our page on how you can help.