The following resources are tagged with the keyword stress:

Engineering Psychology

Cover of the "Engineering Psychology" textbook showing mechanical details of a juke box.

Credit: Cover of "Engineering Psychology" textbook is licensed under CC-BY-4.0

Resource Description

Engineering psychology is a type of experimental psychology in which researchers focus on how people use technology and how technology can best accommodate humans.  Much of the psychological research in sensation/perception, cognitive, and social psychology is used to inform and guide engineering psychology research.

This book has been written to a specific audience: undergraduate students who may not currently be psychology majors yet need an understanding of this topic to move forward in their careers. The topics are presented simply with many of the details about the research supporting these topics omitted in order to simplify the book and make it easier to understand.  Each of the chapters relies on an understanding of the previous chapters. Each chapter contributes to the knowledge before and after it.

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Psychology of Human Emotion

Drawing of a man kneeling in anguish

"Old Man Kneeling Facing Upper Left" by Salvator Rosa is public domain.

Resource Description

This textbook centers on four main emotion perspectives: basic emotion, social constructivism, cognitive appraisal, and dimensional models.  It strives to provide a clear analysis of each perspective, while pointing out the contributions and limitations of each perspective.  All four perspectives continue to influence each other and to advance our understanding of human emotion.

The goals in writing this textbook were to:

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