Mapping our Changing World
Credit: Space Station Flyover of Super Typhoon Noru by NASA is Public Domain
Resource Description
Whether you realize it or not, when you carry a smart phone, use a navigation system in your car, or look up the nearest coffee shop on your computer, you are using geographic information. Geographic data and technologies are embedded in almost all aspects of our lives. GEOG 160, Mapping Our Changing World, explores what geographic information and data are, what makes them unique, how they are created, and how we use them. You'll explore how geographic technologies like geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing from satellites, and global positioning systems (GPS) work together to provide us with information we rely on. You'll also become an informed consumer of the geographic content in your life.
Learn moreSpatial Data Science for Emergency Management
Credit: Helicopter Help First Aide by ThePixelman is licensed under CC0
Resource Description
Geospatial perspectives and technologies play a major role in planning for and responding to emergencies. Geospatial tools - from aerial mapping techniques to data acquisition, are changing rapidly as is emergency management as the frequency and magnitude of crises and disasters are increasing. This course provides an understanding of how geospatial perspectives and technologies support all stages of emergency management activities, from small scale emergency management efforts to large scale disaster/humanitarian efforts. This includes learning about commonly used and emerging geospatial tools. It also includes an exploration of advancements in data collection, processing and analysis capabilities, such as unmanned aerial systems, geospatial artificial intelligence, volunteered geographic information, social media, and many more.
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