The following resources are tagged with the keyword demographics:

Food and the Future Environment

Food and Environment

Credit: Green Terraced Rice Field by Joney, licensed through Shutterstock, Used with permission.

Resource Description

The Future of Food is an introductory-level science course that emphasizes the challenges facing food systems in the 21st century, and issues of sustainability for agriculture and other food production activities, as well as the challenges posed by food insecurity and modern diets to human health and well-being. Topics covered include introduction to the coupled-system perspective, historical development of food systems, socioeconomic aspects of the food system, interaction of the food system with the Earth's environment including soil, water, biota and climate, and the future of the food system considering potential changes such as in climate, urbanization, and demography.

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Location Intelligence for Business

Location Intelligence for Business

Credit: Aerial Photography of Cars on Road-intersection 186537/ by Joey Lu is licensed under CC0 | location pins added to original

Resource Description

Do you enjoy the competitive challenge of starting up a new business or expanding into new areas? Are you involved in economic and community development? Are you considering the best place to work and live? Do you like to gain an advantage? Location Intelligence for Business extends the application of geospatial intelligence analytical methods to the business world for competitive advantage. You will have an opportunity to understand and apply location technologies, geospatial analysis, and business geography (demographics and psychographics) to support competitive business decision-making. You will uncover and explore the key geospatial principles involved in site selection, market analysis, risk and crisis management, logistics, and transportation by solving those problems with available geospatial tools and data.

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