The following resources are tagged with the keyword functions:

GIS Programming and Software Development

Resource Description

Bill Gates is credited with saying he would "hire a lazy person to do a difficult job" with the justification that "a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." GEOG 485 doesn't teach the lazy way to get the job done, but it does teach the scripting way — which is arguably even better. You've probably heard the "give a fish"/"teach to fish" saying? That's the gist of GEOG 485: to equip you, in an ArcGIS context, with the ModelBuilder and Python scripting skills to make your boring, repetitive geoprocessing tasks easier, quicker and automatic — so you can focus on the more interesting (potentially more valuable) work that you (and your employers) really want you to be doing. Learn more

Techniques of Calculus, I

Ilustration of a geometric method of determining the volume of a torus.

Credit: Image adapted from a figure in Applied Calculus: Principles and Applications by Robert Gibbes Thomas, public domain

Resource Description

A Jupyter notebook companion for a first course in Calculus, including a review of Precalculus concepts.

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