The following resources are tagged with the keyword vapor-liquid equilibrium:

Petroleum Processing

Daylight photograph of an oil refinery on a shoreline

Credit: Anacortes Refinery by Walter Siegmund is licensed under CC BY 2.5

Resource Description

This course on petroleum refining reviews how a refinery integrates different physical processes and chemical reactions to process crude oil for the production of transportation fuels and materials according to commercial specifications and environmental regulations. Classification of crude oils using standard analytical protocols helps the refiners select the optimum conditions for the most efficient and most profitable production of fuels and materials. Understanding the basic concepts and technical objectives for each process unit provides the knowledge base necessary to convert crude oil into desired products at minimum cost and low environmental impact. A discussion of how the refinery evolved from the days of one-pot distillation into the current complex configurations will inform an outlook from present to future. Learn more

Phase Relations in Reservoir Engineering

Phase Relations in Reservoir engineering

Credit: Drops of Water by ronymichaud is licensed under CC0

Resource Description

In this course, you will learn about phase relations as applied to oil and/or gas reservoir processes, enhanced oil recovery, gas pipeline transportation, natural gas processing and liquefaction, and other problems in petroleum production. The primary objective of the course is to apply the thermodynamics of phase equilibrium to the framework for phase behavior modeling of petroleum fluids. The focus of the course will be on equilibrium thermodynamics and its relevance to phase behavior predictions and phase equilibrium data description. We will attempt to apply phase behavior principles to petroleum production processes of practical interest, especially natural gas condensate systems. This course is no longer being offered for credit and has not been updated since 2010. Learn more