Web Application Development for the Geospatial Professional (GIS)


Credit: Ipad, Map, Tablet, Internet, Screen by FirmBee is licensed under CC0

Resource Description

Locating restaurants in an unfamiliar place, reporting potholes to the local DOT, obtaining real-time traffic conditions... All of these are examples of geospatial web apps that are revolutionizing how people obtain and share information about the world. In GEOG 863, you will learn how to build apps like these. You'll start with a quick look at the fundamentals of web programming (HTML and CSS) before diving in to using JavaScript and a mapping application programming interface (API) developed by Esri. Using this API, you'll create both 2D and 3D visualizations of your own data and learn how to develop a user interface to enable users to interact with your map.

Course Number

GEOG 863


Badge icon for Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Online Resource

View the entire resource online here: Web Application Development for the Geospatial Professional (GIS)

Download Source Files

Download the resource's source files here: .zip (2.55 MB)

Jim Detwiler

Jim Detwiler

Hi, I'm Jim Detwiler. I've been an instructor in the Geography Department's online GIS program since 2000. Back then, we had just a one-year, non-credit certificate program with few electives. Today, we offer a Master of GIS degree with numerous electives that enable students to focus on application areas of interest to them. I'm very proud to be associated with this program, both in terms of the faculty involved and the adult professionals who enroll in it.

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