Independent Study in Geospatial Intelligence (GIS)

Independent Study in Geospatial Intelligence

Credit: Computer Laptop by Rudy and Peter Skitterians is licensed under CC0

Resource Description

Independent Study is an opportunity for students to work with individual direction from a faculty member on a topic of mutual interest in geospatial intelligence. Students must have strong professional experience or have taken courses in the subject matter leading up to the chosen topic. Independent Study is reserved for advanced specialties or for intermediate study in areas in which the department does not normally offer course work. Faculty members are under no obligation to accept Independent Study students, but do so as their teaching load permits. This option allows students to complete some of their credit requirements by studying on their own.

Course Number

GEOG 596i


Badge icon for Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Online Resource

View the entire resource online here: Independent Study in Geospatial Intelligence (GIS)

Download Source Files

Download the resource's source files here: .zip (672.19 KB)

Todd Bacastow

Todd Bacastow

Todd Bacastow is the professor of practice for Geospatial Intelligence in Penn State's John A. Dutton Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence. His primary areas of expertise include geospatial intelligence technology integration, geospatial intelligence analytic methods, and geospatial intelligence education. Todd has worked with businesses and government on policy issues, has served on state and regional planning committees, prepared studies, provided expert testimony, and organized numerous workshops. He established and leads Penn State's geospatial intelligence program, teaches geospatial intelligence courses, and serves on national advisory committees.

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